Welcome to the First Congregational Church in Bristol
The First Congregational Church in Bristol is a vital, progressive Christian community of faith with long roots in our community.
We promise you our friendship and prayers as we share the hopes and labors of the Church of Jesus the Christ. We pray that God grant that — loving and being loved, serving and being served, forgiving and being forgiven, offering grace and receiving grace — we may dwell together in love, unity and hope.
We invite you to watch this video of the Rev. Nancy Soukup and FCC congregation sharing some of their 2024 “Wonder Experiences”. Just tap on the image below to see the video in a new window. Close the new video window to return here.
We are Bristol’s first and founding church. We have been here since 1680, formed by the same leaders who founded the town of Bristol a few months after the church was gathered. In 1785, more than a century after our founding, our congregation and our sixth Minister, the Reverend Mr. Henry Wight, began the Bristol 4th of July Parade and Patriotic Exercises. So we are the Founders of America’s Oldest Fourth of July Celebration.
Today, our congregation is known for its broad support for our community and our willingness to speak out regarding social justice issues. Sunday services are relevant and thought-provoking.
No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!
Upcoming Events
Time for Easter Flowers!
You can take the flowers home after the service or ask that they be given to a member who would appreciate them. All you have to do is print out the order form, complete it and add your check, and drop it in the offering plate or at the church…
Here is your full schedule of all Lent & Easter programming. Come join us!
Open up, explore, join the Lenten Book Club
Monday evenings at 7:00pm, Guiteras House.
COME share the fun at the March 22 Coffeehouse!
Come learn about WWII Japanese Internment
You are invited: Moving Maundy Thursday Service
Walk the Labyrinth with us on Good Friday
Good Night Lights
Join the “Good Night Lights” to shine a light of hope to children in hospital. Every Monday night First Congregational Church “Good Night Lighters” travel to the Squantum Association in East Providence to send a good night signal to children at Hasbro Children’s Hospital. Anyone is welcome to join the…
Your Shopping Can Help Our Fundraising
Every time you shop at Clements Marketplace or Stop & Shop in Bristol, you can help us raise funding for FCC Bristol. Each of these community markets has a donation program based on the collection of receipts. All the details…
Words to guide us from African American voices
Last Sunday’s service, on February 23, was a service to honor the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Interspersed with powerful African American Spirituals presented by the choir and soloists Kyle Louviere, Jerilyn Turner Crenshaw, and Ben Zabinski , were…
Confirmation Class Joins FCC Church
FCC joyfully received six new members this past Sunday, January 5, 2025. They are the participants in the most recent Confirmation Class who have been meeting this past fall to discuss the history, beliefs and policies of the United Church…
Our children lead the way
On Sunday, December 22, the children and youth of the church gave us yet one more gift for Christmas. They practiced and memorized and fine-tuned their lines and, during the morning service, they reenacted the age-old story of the birth…
Worship Service Videos
Worship Service for Sunday Mar 16, 2025
Worship service by: Dr. Nancy Hamlin Soukup; Scripture: “1 John 3:1-3” ; Scripture: “John 8:31-32” ; Message: “A Story of Strength Beyond All Understanding”; Click here to view the Bulletin in a new window; https://vimeo.com/1066316023 For Closed Captions, click the…
Worship Service for Sunday Mar 9, 2025
Worship service by: Dr. Nancy Hamlin Soukup; Scripture: “Deuteronomy 26:1-11” ; Scripture: “Luke 4:1-13” ; Message: “When the Devil Gets You by the Tail”; Click here to view the Bulletin in a new window; https://vimeo.com/1061777183 For Closed Captions, click the…
Worship Service for Sunday Mar 2, 2025
Worship service by: Dr. Nancy Hamlin Soukup; Scripture: “Exodus 34:29-35” ; Scripture: “Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a)” ; Message: “The Bright, Blinding Light that Reveals All”; Click here to view the Bulletin in a new window; https://vimeo.com/1059470492 For Closed Captions, click the…
Worship Service for Sunday Feb 23, 2025
Worship service by: Dr. Nancy Hamlin Soukup; Scripture: “Colossians 3:11-17” ; Scripture: “Readings from Our Civil Rights Ancestors” ; Sermon: “An Invitation to Trust in Our God”; Click here to view the Bulletin in a new window; https://vimeo.com/1052770380 For Closed…