As set forth in the foundational By-Laws of our church, “the object of this Church shall be to bind together followers of Jesus Christ for the purpose of sharing in the worship of God and in making God’s will dominant in the lives of men and women, individually and collectively, especially as that will is set forth in the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.”
First Congregational Church in Bristol is committed to the Mission Statement adopted by the United Church of Christ in 2016:

“United in Spirit and inspired by God’s grace, we welcome all, love all, and seek justice for all.“
Our congregation also shares the UCC God-centered Vision of Action:
“In ten years, the United Church of Christ will be committed to building deep partnerships in communities that produce collective social action. We will boldly and actively endeavor to bring justice for all. We will be invitational as well as self-reflective, engaging the internal work of welcoming radical difference and truth-telling against systems of oppression that have held God’s beloved people captive.”
In 2008, FCC adopted the UCC’s Open and Affirming commitments and policies. In 2020, our congregation began its study of the meaning of “Just Peace,” exploring what a commitment to working toward Peace and Justice entails. As part of that process, we designed and presented a Just Peace Roots & Cures Film Series.
Through our many ministries – to Children and Youth, to our Community, and through our Music — our congregation seeks the transformative grace that comes from loving all and seeking justice for all.