You can take the flowers home after the service or ask that they be given to a member who would appreciate them. All you have to do is print out the order form, complete it and add your check, and drop it in the offering plate or at the church office by March 14. Order Easter flowers here!
Your Shopping Can Help Our Fundraising
Every time you shop at Clements Marketplace or Stop & Shop in Bristol, you can help us raise funding for FCC Bristol. Each of these community markets has a donation program based on the collection of receipts. All the details are included in the two flyers in this post.

SNEUCC Haiti Task Force Presentation on Sunday, March 16, 2025
Members of the SNEUCC Haiti Task Force will offer a presentation on their long-time work bringing vital service to schools, orphanages, and health clinics in Haiti during our coffee hour on Sunday, March 16. (This is the presentation postponed from February 9 due to a snowstorm.) Rev. Soukup’s message during the service will reflect on the Haiti’s legacy as the first Black republic in the world following the revolution by the enslaved in the French colony. After the service, Suzanne Swanson, Shirley Hardison, and Linda Sable will give an update on the Task Force’s current initiatives, especially in light of the heightened violence in the country. The Task Force has been “providing education, quality health care, orphan relief, spiritual support, and community-based services for the people of Haiti for over 30 years,” as a sponsored mission in the Historic Rhode Island Conference and now the SNEUCC. Please join us for the worship service at 10:00 a.m. and the presentation at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 16. For additional information about the Task Force, visit Haiti Task Force – Southern New England Conference of the UCC.

Here is your full schedule of all Lent & Easter programming. Come join us!
Unlimited pancakes and unlimited friendship! Come enjoy Shrove Tuesday supper with us!
Join Us for Labyrinth Walk and Worship on Ash Wednesday
Open up, explore, join the Lenten Book Club
Monday evenings at 7:00pm, Guiteras House.