You can take the flowers home after the service or ask that they be given to a member who would appreciate them. All you have to do is print out the order form, complete it and add your check, and drop it in the offering plate or at the church office by March 14. Order Easter flowers here!
Here is your full schedule of all Lent & Easter programming. Come join us!
Open up, explore, join the Lenten Book Club
Monday evenings at 7:00pm, Guiteras House.
Come learn about WWII Japanese Internment
You are invited: Moving Maundy Thursday Service
Walk the Labyrinth with us on Good Friday
Good Night Lights
Join the “Good Night Lights” to shine a light of hope to children in hospital. Every Monday night First Congregational Church “Good Night Lighters” travel to the Squantum Association in East Providence to send a good night signal to children at Hasbro Children’s Hospital. Anyone is welcome to join the Good Night Lights group. Participants may travel independently to rendezvous at the Squantum Association, or contact Steve Brosnihan (401-253-5909) or Dyan Vaughan to make carpool arrangements. Those interested in getting on the email roster for GNL should contact Steve at: