As COVID requirements are easing, FCCBristol is returning to live, in-person services. We also provide access to Sunday morning worship via live-stream for those who choose to worship from home. Access to the electronic service can be found at the top of the HOME page.

Sunday morning worship starts at 10:00 a.m. in our handicapped accessible sanctuary at the corner of High Street and Bradford Street. Services last approximately one hour. There is no dress code. When you arrive, someone will greet you and your family, help you find a seat and answer your questions. If you have children, you will be introduced to someone on our education staff, if you wish.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion (The Eucharist) is observed on the first Sunday of every month. Communion is a joyous act of thanksgiving for all God has done, is doing, and will do for the redeeming of creation.
This sacrament may be celebrated either in the pew by the passing of cubes of bread and individual cups, or by intinction at the front of the sanctuary. We hold an open Holy Communion policy and celebrate an open table, so all Christians of all ages are welcome at Christ’s table. During the pandemic, we are taking special precautions to ensure the safety of all who participate in Communion.
We use a multi-generational worship leadership model, and include songs from a variety of hymnals and a message (sermon). The service is known for being relevant, joyful and welcoming to all people. The music is uplifting and the message communicates God’s love for us.

Children of all ages are welcome! We have programs from infants to Senior High Youth every Sunday. Children are a vital part of our church family, participating in worship, music, education, missions and recreation. Programs are designed with loving care in order to teach children about God’s love and how to serve God through music, study, and helping others. Your children will learn enduring values preparing them to live as loving and capable people in God’s world.

On Sunday mornings, nursery care with trained staff is available to infants and toddlers. All children under grade 9 begin in the main worship service where the Minister shares a special message just for them early on in the service. Then, all children head off to our wonderful church school program. After services, parents gather their children and can enjoy a time of fellowship and connection with treats and beverages. We have exciting and specialized programs (including Confirmation during 9th or 10th grade) for Senior High Youth.
FCC Bristol celebrates the following Special Services: the Community Blessing of the Animals service in early fall at Colt State Park or at the church; Christmas Eve Candlelight worship service, with special time for children; Groundhog Day Sunday worship featuring the Groundhog Day Band; Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper; Ash Wednesday service; Maundy Thursday service; Good Friday Labyrinth Walks; Easter Sunrise (Colt State Park Chapel); Easter Worship (Church Sanctuary).

We welcome everyone into our church, either as participants or members. Please ask! If you need help finding your way around or knowing what to do, please ask someone.