An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ
You Are Invited
FCC Choir2017 (from Ron Grant)
To join our family, by attending our relevant and thought-provoking Sunday Services . We are an Open and Affirming church. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!
By bringing your children to our Christian Education and Sunday School program. We are currently worshiping in-person, with masks and social distancing to keep everyone safe during the pandemic. We are also live-streaming services for those who wish to join the service from their home. Nursery care is provided for infants and toddlers. Young families in Bristol have discovered our faith community to be a place that truly nurtures their children and the whole family. Our children’s Sunday School teachers are full of love, creativity and energy. You can volunteer to serve as a teacher or assistant teacher for one or more Sundays, when Sunday School starts up after September 12th, Rally Day
By attending our many Fellowship gatherings: the Annual Church picnic, the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, the Women’s Retreat in the spring, the summer Ice Cream Social, the Christmas Pageant Church Supper, and many more.
By joining our Music Ministry, singing in our Choir or, if you ever played an instrument, dropping in to our Groundhog Band in February.
By volunteering to be a “Good Night Lighter”, beaming a message of love to children in the Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence on a Monday evening.
By joining the Prayer Shawl Circle, to enjoy fellowship with a talented and caring group of women who meet once a month to knit or crochet shawls, baby blankets and other gifts for those who would be comforted by their ministry.
By volunteering on a crisp October Sunday morning for “The Church Has Left the Building” ministry, going out into the Bristol community to serve others by working with friends to tidy up the gardens or organizing the lending library for a nearby Senior Citizens home, or by picking up litter in the bushes or sidewalks around town, or any other project that presents itself.
By joining in on our Flower Committee workshops to create floral arrangements for sale at the Harvest Moon Bazaar and Holiday Cookie Walk, and to decorate the church for Advent. Bring a friend. The more the merrier.
By volunteering at the Stone Church Coffeehouse in our DeWolf Chapel, helping set up for the monthly folk, blue grass, or country acoustic music concerts – voted the BEST on the East Bay by Rhode Island Monthly for the past 6 years! Or by attending one of our Silent Film Series events and laughing along with a roomful of new friends.