The Spiritual Opportunity of Zoom Worship
I wanted to take a few moments to explain the change from live streaming to zoom during Sunday morning worship throughout December. Live streaming offers the opportunity to see worship leaders in our beautifully decorated sanctuary. The beauty of the season shines brightly. However, the COVID-19 surge continues to rise daily to a dangerous point. Safety has to be the most important aspect of corporate worship as we continue in these difficult pandemic days. It is safer for us to all be using zoom so that we can be secure in our homes and not have any of our staff or deacons at risk during our weekly worship. However, the more important element for me, is that when we are on Zoom we are all together in the present moment. The Holy Spirit is also present with us as we actively engage in worship.
I am concerned that with the rising Covid numbers we may very well be shut down by December 24th. That being said, I believe that it is imperative for us to be able to share in a traditional Christmas Eve worship on December 24th at 6:00 p.m. Utilizing Zoom worship in early December allows us to become more familiar and successful with this venue. Being spiritually centered as a united faith community, will allow us to receive the gift of The Christ Child through the “Lessons and Carols and Candles.” I pray it will be a holy moment for all. I appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue our Advent journey.
In faith and with appreciation,
Rev. Deborah Breault