The sanctuary windows on the south facade of the church have all been restored and installed. Check them out. They look like new!

The wood framing, which was so dry and had virtually no paint, was reinvigorated through New Outlooks’ amazing preservation process. The glass, which took quite a while to access, now fits perfectly. Each pane was custom cut to ensure the most airtight fit. We are so pleased with the “new” old windows.
We are grateful for all of the support that has been given by church members, by the Champlin Foundation, the Felicia Fund, and the Fidelity Charitable-Flanagan Fund. This support has funded the major portion of the window preservation effort. After the New Year, the Capital Campaign Committee will be planning out and starting the funding effort to complete the preservation of the sanctuary’s North and West facade windows.
This is really good news. Thanks for the note to your no-show member.