Since Pentecost is celebrated as the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon Christ’s disciples, it was the right day to launch FCC Bristol’s new 350 Fund. The vision for the 350 Fund is that it enables FCC members to grow in caring for God’s world by expanding mission outreach and raising $350,000 toward the restoration of our sanctuary by FCC Bristol’s 350th Anniversary in 2030.
The excitement and ideas generated during the two congregational gatherings this spring are beginning to generate real action. The July 4th Float Project is moving forward, pledges and donations are starting to come in, strategic planning for the full six-year 350 Fund campaign of mission and sanctuary restoration has begun.
- The 350 Fund was officially launched on Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2024, with a vision of building community in Bristol through expanded collaborative mission projects and raising $350,000 by 2030 to restore the sanctuary as a meeting place for all.
- Already, pledges have been received totaling 8.9% ($31,000) of the $350,000 goal. Two donations have already been received totaling $1,350. All pledges can be paid over 4 years or earlier, as desired.
- On the day of its announcement, the July 4th Float Project received the services of an architect who is a church member and who is experienced in designing floats. And we have located a flatbed trailer that we think will be donated for our use on July 4, 2025.
- FCC will also be providing free bottles of water and bathroom use, and other drinks for sale during the July 4th parade.
- Responses regarding which 350 FUND projects church members are interested in joining have started to come in. The form for indicating interest in various projects is located on the backside of the 5/19/2024 350 Fund solicitation letter. Here’s the project form again. Feel free to respond by email or hard copy to Caroline or to the office:
NAME ___________________________________
[ ] Musical events [ ] Selling citrus, coffee or other
[ ] 20 Week Club [ ] Turkey Dinner
[ ] Antiques “Roadshow” Appraisal [ ] Celebrity Auction
[ ] Medical Educ. & Access [ ] Walkathon
[ ] Babysitting/Mowing [ ] July 4th Church Float
[ ] Every Sunday Breakfast [ ] “Art on the Fence”
Or share an idea you might have: ________________________________________________
If you have not yet submitted your completed 350 Fund pledge card and project form, we encourage you to think about how your participation in one or more of the projects or pledge of a financial gift can contribute to building a stronger Bristol community and change lives, including your life, for the better. The 350 Fund celebrates the key role that FCC Bristol has played in the Bristol community over the past centuries. But even more, it celebrates how the members of FCC Bristol hope and dream and commit to making the lives of our neighbors and our own lives better in the coming years. Thank you.