Always set for the Saturday before July 4th, FCC Bristol’s Craft Fair provided a day to visit with old friends and a chance to make new ones. With all the vendors setting up their tents and wares, with Chris and his #2, Sara, providing the burgers and dogs and all the fixings, with all of the dedicated bakers bringing in their donated cakes, pies, and cookies, with the crafters bringing in their knitted sweaters, shawls, baby blankets and lots more, and with the gardeners bringing in their potted plants — WHEW! There was a lot going on. Many thanks to Jen and Ruth for spear-heading this big project and to all the church members who worked the church stalls and donated their time and products.

We had so many great vendors. Here are just some of the many terrific people who brought their wonderful products to the Craft Fair.

Be sure to put FCC’s Harvest Moon Bazaar on your calendar — the Saturday before Thanksgiving — if you want to catch even more crafters AND THE SILENT AUCTION!
Stay safe and enjoy your Fourth of July.