Meet Cristina Marino: One of FCC’S Sunday Techs—and Her Senior Project

Each week, we have a faithful legion of techs who tape and livestream our Sunday services. If you were around for this summer’s services, you saw them out of their sanctuary balcony perch to tape our services in the DeWolf and Dimond Rooms.

One of these techs is Cristina Marino, who is a senior at Mt. Hope High School this year. Christina hopes to study film when she graduates in the spring. For her Mt. Hope senior project, she wants to put together a short video about our church, featuring interview clips with our members as well as a chronicle of some of our activities. This video can be something we can use on our website to lift up who we are as a faith community.

Some may want to participate in these taped interviews, which will not be long, and others may not. On Sunday, September 8, we will have permission releases available for people to indicate their preference about being interviewed or not.

We hope that interviews will start either Sunday, September 15, or Sunday, September 22, after church. We will update you. I know we all look forward to helping Cristina with her senior project and thank her for making our church its focus.

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