Sunday, September 8, will be FCC’s 2024 Rally Day—the opening of Church School. During the service, we will commission and bless our children and youth as they enter into another year of Christian education. Please join us for this annual service followed by fellowship with pizza, salad, and cake in the DeWolf Room. For this Sunday, children will remain in the Church for the whole service. Church School classes will start on Sunday, September 15.
AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: A Call for Church School Teachers
We very much are in need of church school teachers this year. We will be using a new curriculum this fall that follows along with the lectionary. Each week’s class will be spelled out with a lesson and an activity to follow. Because of our Safe Church practices, we need to have two teachers for each week. For those who have been teachers, we thank you and hope you will sign up again. For those who have not taught, we invite you to join in this amazing journey with our children and youth.
Participating in the faith formation of the youngest among us is the most vital part of our common life together. Rev. Nancy will have a sign-up sheet for fall Sundays in the DeWolf Room following each service. Thank you.