Come to Two Congregational Gatherings

You are invited to two Congregational Gatherings on Saturday, April 13, 2024 from 10:00am – 12:30pm and Saturday, May 4, 2024 from 10:00am – 12:00 noon to discuss future priorities for FCC Bristol.

The Church Council, Capital Campaign Committee and Sanctuary Construction Committee invite the full congregation and all friends of FCC Bristol to come together in the DeWolf Room on two Saturday mornings this spring to share your views on what about FCC is important to you and what the next steps should be.

We would like you to freely share your views on what you believe the church’s priorities should be, what dreams you have for FCC and what you want from the church. This moment is particularly auspicious because in 6 years FCC Bristol will be celebrating its 350th Anniversary, just as the Town of Bristol will be celebrating its 350th anniversary.  FCC is Bristol’s “founding church.”  Back in 1680, it was required that a house of worship exist before a municipality could be established.
If you can’t make the 4/13 meeting, don’t worry.  We’ll catch you up on 5/4 on what was decided at the earlier meeting and move forward. If you are unable to attend either meeting, please feel free to Email your thoughts to the committee via Caroline Jacobus here.
Questions?  Email Caroline Jacobus here.

Newcomers’ Class Welcomes All

For several weeks in March, all members of FCC, especially those who are new to the congregation, have been invited to join the Newcomers’ Class. It meets in the Library in the Sunday School wing after worship on Sundays. It is essentially a UCC 101 during which we look at the history of our denomination, its theology, its practices, and issues facing our churches today. We met on March 3 to discuss how the UCC developed historically. On March 10, we will consider some of the innovations the UCC has brought to our faith lives. On March 17, you have a chance to meet those involved with FCC ministry committees, who will discuss the work they do on behalf of our congregation. For those who are not members, this is an opportunity to have an introduction to UCC life.