UCC Bristol youth learned about an exciting summer opportunity during our March 12th Children’s Sermon. Star Island offers the best in seaside fun for children of all ages, attending on their own or with family. Star Island, off the New Hampshire coast, is home to a retreat center with a faithful community of summer attendees. All are invited to join in at the beautiful and emotionally accepting, beloved Star Island community for fun, relaxation, bonfires, lime rickeys, games, softball, swimming, and making life-long friends! Jen Johnson, who has attended for many years with her children, will gladly answer questions.

The Star Gathering YOUTH Conference is for youth entering 9th grade through newly graduated high school seniors. It focuses on relationship-building, renewal, and spiritual growth for up to twenty vacationing high school students. Its culture centers on faith-building and exploration, rather than traditional bible camp studies, and emphasizes having fun.
This year’s theme is Love – How do we show our love language to others? How do we receive love from others? How do we express our love if we disagree? Regarding relationships with ourselves, our peers, siblings, parents, to God, and to the world at large.
Fees for the Youth Conference are $774 for room and board plus $150 conference fee. For financial aid information, please email SG1registrar@stargathering.org. (Conferees typically bring extra money for the snack bar and gift shop.) Further details and online registration can be found here, https://starisland.org/program/sg1youth/.
The Star Island FAMILY Conference program will focus on celebrating and nurturing the vision of Beloved Community. Through art, music, conversation, reflection, and fun we will create a more inclusive and intentional community, to help spread more empathy and understanding in the world. During chapel, we will explore various stories in the gospels where Jesus encounters people in ways that were unexpected or where the script gets flipped. The Theme Speaker will be Rev. JaQuan Beacham from Yale Divinity School and the Minister of the Week will be Rev. Anna Flowers from United Church in Walpole, MA.

Relax and build community in program while the children have their own chapel and program in the morning, and then rejoin them for some intergenerational activities or island exploration in the afternoon. Don’t miss the Rutledge Marine Lab or the Talent Show! Fees for adults start at $1169 for room and board plus $150 conference fee. For financial aid information, please email SG1registrar@stargathering.org. (Conferees typically bring extra money for the snack bar and gift shop.) Further details and online registration can be found here, https://starisland.org/program/sg1/.