With the return of families from summer vacations, the return of the choir to our worship, the decoration of the sanctuary with bundles of bright balloons and a special intergenerational service led by the Rev. Jack Jones, this past Sunday — Rally Day — brought a feeling of renewed purpose and strengthened ties to the congregation. Worship was dedicated to the Commissioning of our Church School, bringing the children and youth, their parents, their teachers and the entire congregation together in a covenant of gratitude and commitment to provide loving direction and educational opportunities to all who come to participate in our efforts to grow in our understanding of Christ’s Way, to bring about God’s Kingdom on earth. Through a special Litany of Prayers, the congregation prayed for all learners and leaders as they prepare to start a new year of growing in God’s grace together.
Following worship, everyone gathered in the DeWolf Room for a Rally Day luncheon of hamburgers, hot dogs, salads and ICE CREAM SUNDAES! Lots of chatter, catching up with old friends and making some new ones, making some plans, looking forward.