As the last bag of yummy pasta dinners was carried out the DeWolf Room door on Saturday, February 19, the second year of FCC’s Food Fest came to a close. This new fundraiser was dreamed up as a COVID-safe alternative to our church’s traditional Harvest Moon Bazaar. Our dearest hope is that we will be able to hold our popular Bazaar when November 2022 rolls around. We’re keeping our fingers crossed.
Everyone involved in the 4 Food Fest take-out dinner events had fun. Fortunately they are all pretty good cooks, too. Many thanks to Chris Johnson, our FCC Chef Extraordinaire! Thanks to Jen Johnson and Ruth Fisher who chaired and organized all the events, including the Mini-Bazaar, Bake Sale and Holiday Arrangements. For all our cooks, workers, crafters, bakers, and floral arrangers — Many thanks for the long hours, the delicious food, the beautiful gifts and inventive holiday decorations: Chris & Jen Johnson, Ruth Fisher, Sug Grant, Sally & Bob Evans, Caroline & Robert Jacobus, Charlotte Burnham, and Sandie Campbell.