June 13, 2021 was “Graduation Sunday” at FCC Bristol. The in-person congregation and live-stream viewers celebrated this milestone in the lives of our five high school graduates: Ella Drawbridge, Zoe Fournier-Swire, Mikey McGowan-Roach, Alyssa Wheeler, and Erica Wheeler.

Rev. Deborah invited those present to step up to the chancel to receive the congratulations of the congregation along with gifts of shawls that had been hand-knitted and blessed by the members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry. Present to receive their good wishes and shawls were Zoe Fournier-Swire and Mikey McGowan-Roach. Jen Johnson, Adria Sartrys and Ruth Fisher presented the gifts from the Prayer Shawl Ministry.
Erika Wheeler was the valedictorian of the Mt. Hope High School graduating class. Several of the other FCC Bristol graduating seniors were among the highest academic achievers in the class.
Congratulations to each of these young women as their achievements are recognized and they move on to the new challenges and rewards in their lives.