Congratulations to our FCC Bristol high school graduates!

June 13, 2021 was “Graduation Sunday” at FCC Bristol. The in-person congregation and live-stream viewers celebrated this milestone in the lives of our five high school graduates: Ella Drawbridge, Zoe Fournier-Swire, Mikey McGowan-Roach, Alyssa Wheeler, and Erica Wheeler.

Rev. Deborah invited those present to step up to the chancel to receive the congratulations of the congregation along with gifts of shawls that had been hand-knitted and blessed by the members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry. Present to receive their good wishes and shawls were Zoe Fournier-Swire and Mikey McGowan-Roach. Jen Johnson, Adria Sartrys and Ruth Fisher presented the gifts from the Prayer Shawl Ministry.

Erika Wheeler was the valedictorian of the Mt. Hope High School graduating class. Several of the other FCC Bristol graduating seniors were among the highest academic achievers in the class.

Congratulations to each of these young women as their achievements are recognized and they move on to the new challenges and rewards in their lives.


After after 15 months and much work by the Reopening Committee to keep everyone safe, FCC Bristol’s doors opened up on Sunday June 6th and we were able to come back together in person. It was a joy to just be able hear the liturgist read the scripture lesson, to listen to the minister’s sermon, and to hear friends voices and catch up on the news – in person, even if we were all still wearing masks and social distancing, in an effort to safeguard any who may not have yet been able to be vaccinated or who were concerned about COVID-19 variants.

It brought back to mind the old children’s rhyme:

Here is the church.

Here is the steeple.

Open the doors

And see all the people.

Live-stream services, available through the website home page, will continue to be offered every Sunday to anyone who wishes to join the service from home.

All Church Game Event Filled With Fun!

High Street passersby at FCC Bristol on the afternoon of Saturday, June 5th saw children of all ages racing around the front lawn, passing through the obstacle course (including a challenging water barrier!) laid out by Susan Brosnihan, chalking up the sidewalks with artwork (I’m looking at you, Natty), practicing their baseball swing, tossing bean bags to win corn hole points, and other outdoor games. The tantalizing smell of grilling hot dogs and other yummy refreshments drifted across the lawn. The laughter and screeches of children and adults filled the air. It was an exciting start to summer on a lovely, sunny day.



Nurturing and tending to the spiritual life of our children and youth is a sacred gift and responsibility. Growing and learning about Jesus together is an essential element of our lives of faith.
We invite you to join us at our monthly meeting, every second Sunday via ZOOM at 10:45am immediately following worship for more exploring and engaging the Christian Education Ministry of FCC. Call the church office to join Zoom Meeting.
This is an open invitation to anyone interested in engaging in the CE ministry of FCC. Perhaps you previously served or are currently interested in working together on this wonderful and creative area of church life.

Please bring your ideas and joys, your concerns and talents, gifts and experiences.  If you know someone who used to be involved in CE or, may now be interested in getting involved, please invite them to attend. I am excited and eager to see the ways the Holy One will call us into a new partnership with all those interested in the ministry of Christian Education at FCC.  I hope you will join me. Please feel free to contact me for any reason. 
I am sincerely in Christ’s service,
Rev. Deborah Breault



This was a fantastic night. Kim Trusty has a heart as big as all outdoors, and a talent to match!

It felt great to be back at the DeWolf Chapel in person after all these months away due to COVID. We were only 32, rather than the usual “sell-out” crowd of 100, but the spirit in the room was just as powerful as ever.

Roger and Donna and their team of volunteers kept us all safe with their careful planning, screening, social distancing and masks. And Kim’s authentic Blues, R&B and Jazz just filled our hearts.

Thank you again and again to the Dubords and to FCC for hosting this terrific coffeehouse for the past 14 years!


Food Fest

Deary me! What to do when COVID makes the annual Harvest Moon Bazaar, with its Bake Sale, Wheel of Cheddar, Plant Sale and dozens of crafters just too unsafe. . . . If you are the folks at FCC, you turn your event into 4 months of safe take-out dinners, pre-ordered and pre-paid through their easy web-site.

The dinners were scrumptious, generous, and fun. It only took a second to pick up the meals we ordered. But it felt great to again see good friends (at least the upper part of their faces!) and exchange the latest news. Screening, masks and social distancing kept everyone safe.

I went to the Cookie Walk, too, back in December. And it was terrific. Gazzilions of cookies of all flavors and all safely packaged in plastic bags to keep everyone safe.

Thank you FCC!