FCC Bristol 2023 Women’s Retreat

A dozen women came together from September 22-24 at Irons Homestead, the Rhode Island UCC Camp and Retreat Center. Irons Homestead is described as “A sacred space that enables lives to change through encounters with God, nature and others.” The group experience was led by Valerie Tutson, a graduate of Brown University with a self-designed major, Storytelling As a Communication’s Art. A life-long member of the UCC (United Church of Christ) Valerie works ecumenically, sharing her gifts and helping others to tell the stories of their faith.

One of the first experiences we shared was learning a song from Malawi, sung in Chechewa. Valerie taught it to us, just as it had been taught to her by Masankho Banda. Translated, it said: “I see you with my eyes. I see you with my heart. I see you, fellow human, in front of me, and greet you with respect.” Throughout the retreat, we sang this song, repeatedly recognizing the innate value of every person as a beloved child of God, a valued member of God’s family.

At another gathering, we sang songs from our childhood, some learned in church school or camp. Valerie inspired us to think about how we see ourselves in relation to the name our parents had given us and how we perceive the journey each of us has taken in her life — the points of decision-making that we have navigated, the many women and men who have played a part in shaping us, the many roles we have played during our lives.

After supper on Saturday evening, we carried out a ritual called the Despacho Ceremony that is part of the spiritual traditions of the Andes mountains that Valerie had learned from her teachers in Peru. We were to make a Prayer Bundle, a collective offering that provides a way to give thanks or to release what needs letting go, a way to call in or ask for what we and the world need.

First, Valerie laid the fire. Then, starting with a clean white cloth, she laid out large sheets of white tissue paper, and in the center a large clam shell was placed. A symbol for the world? Small gummy creatures — Adam and Eve? — were placed in the shell. Special leaf bundles were placed at the four compass points. Then our hands went around and around, layering the offerings — bay leaves, special beans, rice grains, herbs, other grains, spices — around and around, each person adding her contribution to the layer, each ingredient symbolizing a different element of life, the hopes, the regrets, the ancestors, the children born, the children yet to be born. Pink flowers, white flowers — around and around.

Then the “good” stuff, the “fun” stuff we were offering up — the ginger snaps, the gummy bears, the chocolate drops — the sparkly ribbon, the brightly colored beads, the pink and blue cotton candy.

The bundle was prayed over as all hands and hearts embraced it. As the final act of this ritual, Valerie wrapped the bundle up tight, lit the fire and gently placed the bundle on the burning logs. Within seconds, the bundle felt the heat and opened up to the flames, releasing all of the prayers up into the heavens, crackling and snapping as we watched the Despacho bundle burn up, rise and disappear.

Looking back at the Women’s Retreat, Valerie said that her intention for our time together was to create and hold space for us to connect more deeply with our selves, with one another and with God and the presence of the Holy Spirit…through sharing our stories, singing and sacred ritual…and have it be a joy/full and nourishing experience, so that we could return home feeling good and energized and inspired in our day to day lives.

One participant looked back at her Retreat experience and felt “Grateful to have spent this past weekend making peace with all the women I once was. Grateful for the women who were by my side.”

Showering Love on Baby Harrington

We love the children in our church and everyone at FCC Bristol is so happy to be welcoming Lindsey and Doug Harrington’s new baby. She will join her brother Raymond who has been delighting us all for more than two years.

Following worship this past Sunday, we dedicated our Fellowship Hour to celebrating the forthcoming arrival of a new baby. After enjoying some cake and ice cream, we gathered around Lindsey, the expectant mom, to watch her opening good wishes and presents. Quite a few had been handmade by our talented parishioners. Raymond was a big help. And he was excited about the dinosaur truck he received as the designated Big Brother.

You Are Welcome Here

Thanks to the hardworking Deacons, FCC Bristol has both a colorful and cheerful rainbow array of flowering flowerpots, and also a sign that proclaims our church family’s core Open and Affirming belief: “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” An open-armed message of acceptance that cannot be said too often.

Rally Day Brings the Focus Back on Children’s Growth

With the return of families from summer vacations, the return of the choir to our worship, the decoration of the sanctuary with bundles of bright balloons and a special intergenerational service led by the Rev. Jack Jones, this past Sunday — Rally Day — brought a feeling of renewed purpose and strengthened ties to the congregation. Worship was dedicated to the Commissioning of our Church School, bringing the children and youth, their parents, their teachers and the entire congregation together in a covenant of gratitude and commitment to provide loving direction and educational opportunities to all who come to participate in our efforts to grow in our understanding of Christ’s Way, to bring about God’s Kingdom on earth. Through a special Litany of Prayers, the congregation prayed for all learners and leaders as they prepare to start a new year of growing in God’s grace together.

Following worship, everyone gathered in the DeWolf Room for a Rally Day luncheon of hamburgers, hot dogs, salads and ICE CREAM SUNDAES! Lots of chatter, catching up with old friends and making some new ones, making some plans, looking forward.

Farewell Sunday for Rev. Deborah

August 27, 2023 marked another day of transition in the 343 years of FCC Bristol’s history. Due to Rev. Deborah Tate Breault’s decision to retire, our congregation is saying Good Bye to our pastor. On this, her last Sunday preaching in Bristol, she and the congregation together spoke a Liturgy for Ending an Authorized Ministry.

On November 1, 2020, this church called Rev. Deborah Tate Breault to serve as Transitional Minister. As part of the Liturgy, words of gratitude, forgiveness and acceptance were spoken by both the minister and the members of the congregation. Through vows of Release by both parties, the congregation confirmed their focus on continuing the ministry of the church, looking forward to the congregation’s relationship with the new minister who will come to serve FCC Bristol.

Barbara Watts, who has faithfully served the church as Executive Assistant for the past 16 years, was called to the chancel during the morning’s service to recognize her contribution to the well-being and ministry of the church.

Following morning worship, the congregation joined Pastor Deborah in the Dewolf Fellowship Hall for a celebratory luncheon. Happily, many members attended in person who on other Sundays join us via LiveStream. We are thankful for the ministry of Pastor Deborah at FCC Bristol and wish her every good and joyful experience as she leaves our church.

The Search is On… 

At a joint FCC Church Council and Deacon’s meeting on Wednesday, June 22, 2023 Paul Temple (Chair), Jennifer Johnson, Ruth Fisher, Caroline Jacobus, and Ed Wiacek were appointed to a fast-track Interim Minister search team. The team met on Thursday, July 6 to begin the search process. Reverend Patty Kogut, our UCC Area Conference Minister, attended the meeting virtually and offered advice to make our search journey successful and rewarding.

The team has completed and submitted our Local Church Profile and the Interim Pastor job position has been posted nationally. We have received several qualified applicant profiles and we are pursuing the process of interviewing them. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to any members of the search team.

Coffee House Wins “Best of Rhode Island” for 6th Time!

On Thursday July 20, Roger & Donna Dubord attended the 30th annual Rhode Island Monthly Magazine Best of Rhode Island party at the Providence Performing Arts Center. A large crowd of 1200 people were in attendance. There were 417 Best of RI winners throughout the state in various categories and the Stone Church Coffeehouse

was one of them. The Coffeehouse won for Best Music Venue – East Bay. This was the 6th time the Coffeehouse has won in this category. Each win is special because the votes come from friends and guests who attend the shows.

We wish to extend a heartfelt “Thank You” to each and every person who voted for the Stone Church Coffeehouse in the Rhode Island Monthly Magazine’s Best of RI Readers Poll.

Come Sing in the Choir!

We are delighted to extend a heartfelt invitation to each one of you to join our Church Choir. We believe that music has the power to uplift spirits, inspire worship, and bring our community closer together. We welcome individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and singing abilities to join us in this joyous endeavor.
Whether you have a trained voice or simply a passion for singing, we invite you to come and lend your unique voice to our choir. No matter where you are in your musical journey, we promise a nurturing and supportive environment where you can grow and develop your talents.

Rehearsals for the Church Choir take place every Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the Dimon Room and Sunday mornings at 9:15 am in our church sanctuary. These sessions provide dedicated time for us to come together, learn new songs, and practice as a unified choir. We understand that everyone has different commitments, so we encourage you to attend the rehearsals that best fit your schedule.
By joining the Church Choir, you will not only have the opportunity to deepen your connection to our church community but also form lasting friendships with fellow choir members.
If you have any questions or would like more information about joining the Church Choir, please feel free to contact me at nzabinski@gmail.com.

Look at the “Before” and “After” of our Sanctuary Window Repairs

Much progress is being made this week with the Window Preservation Project. On the left, below, is a sash that was removed on July 31, 2023. You can see the deplorable condition of the sash. When the sash is removed in this shape it is very wobbly and unstable. The glass and the glazing is what give the sash stability and rigidity.  It appears that many years ago, during the replacement of some of the glass panes, the fancy decorative wooden moldings were cut out and replaced with solid wood.

The photo on the right shows one of our fully restored windows demonstrating how New Outlook Historic Preservation, the Swansea firm that is preserving our sanctuary windows, has fully repaired the decorative moldings of our original windows. This skillful improvement, along with the beads and jambs, makes for a stunning window.

Can you help us complete the windows project?

Many people have generously donated toward the preservation of the sanctuary windows. But we are still in need of some funding to complete all of the windows on the North and West facades of the sanctuary. A donation in any amount will be gratefully received. Some have chosen to fund the restoration of a sash through the donation of $7,500 toward a Named Memorial Window. Perhaps you and some others would like to consider jointly funding one of the remaining windows. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Caroline Jacobus or Sally Evans.