Ice Cream Social lives up to its name

I got the chance to give Marina a big hug for the first time in 18 months. And she got the chance to ask me about my new grand-daughter. It was like that for everyone who came. The evening of August 11 found FCC members enjoying an Ice Cream Social hosted by the Christian Education Team. The weather was perfect, every mouthful was satisfying, and sharing news with friends filled the soul.

Mission: Ecumenical Meals

Some years ago, members of several East Bay churches organized a program called Ecumenical Meals. This program or mission was created to supply recipients of other home delivered meal programs with meals on the weekends when their regular meal programs did not operate.

First Congregational Church in Bristol is one of three participants in this mission. We participate by creating and delivering appealing and nutritious meals four months during the year alternating with the other member churches.

We consider our participation in this mission an honor and a tangible way to put Jesus’ words into action. If you would like to join in this ministry either as a cook or a driver, please contact Lynne and Chuck Ramos at or 401-253-8074.

Ice Cream Social

Wednesday, August 11th, 2021 from 6:30-7:30pm.

Everyone is invited! Come cool down with us on the church lawn with a delicious ice cream sundae! Refreshments are free. It would help us if you would call the church office at 401-253-7288 to let us know how many are coming from your family.

Bring a blanket and your appetite!

Looking forward to seeing you there on August 11th.

FCC Family Movie Night

Everyone is invited for a night of fun — no charge — be our guest! Saturday, August 21st, 2021 at 7:30pm at FCC Bristol.

Join us for a movie that is filled with joy, sadness, fear, and even disgust when we watch a well-loved family-favorite here at FCC! We can make core memories together!

This animated film is rated PG and runs 1 hour and 35 minutes. We hope it will turn your world “inside out” and upside down!

This family fun event is sponsored by the Christian Education Committee.

Rally Sunday!

Sunday, September 12th, 2021 at 10:00AM.

It’s the kick-off event for our FCC Sunday School Year! We can’t wait to see all of our FCC Children and Families back again, especially after such a long time apart. There will be an intergenerational worship service for all to enjoy, where all of the teachers will be inducted. This will be followed by an All-Church Picnic with sub sandwiches, drinks, cake and more!

Families with children will soon receive a Sunday School registration form in the mail. Please fill it out and bring it with you on Rally Day.

Keeping Our Sanctuary at the Center of our Lives

So many of us are joyful to return to the sanctuary, able to worship together in person and catch up with the news from dear friends. But returning to the sanctuary has also put straight in front of our eyes the sad shape of our worship space – the major cracks in the plaster at just about every window that resulted when the old and sagging foundations were jacked back up in 2011, and also the dull and flaking paint on walls and ceiling, and the missing window putty and deteriorating Gothic windows.

The Facilities Committee has advised us that these repairs cannot be put off any longer. So we have launched the 2021 Capital Campaign to raise the funds for these two projects. The target goal being requested from the whole congregation in the form of pledges is $80,000. This represents 20% of the total cost of $385,000 for the two projects, as determined by quotes from experienced contractors.

The FCC Bristol congregation has a long history of devoted commitment to maintaining the campus of our church, most recently by raising $1.2Million in 2010-2014 toward restoring the foundations and many other systems in the church and Guiteras House. In 2019, you again generously supported the restoration of the Narthex at a cost of $20,000. Thank you.

You will soon receive a request and pledge card in the mail for the 2021 Capital Campaign. A donation of any size is welcome and can be paid over 3 years or sooner, as you wish. You can contribute a dollar amount or make a gift of stocks, bonds, or other assets. We are also making available the opportunity to use the restoration of each of the 10 Gothic windows as a way for church families to commemorate or memorialize a loved one: by funding the restoration of one window at a cost of $7,500 (or $2,500 in each of 3 years) you can have a permanent memorial plaque affixed to the sill of the window of your choice.

We already have pledges from the congregation of more than $40,000 and have received a grant award of $10,000 from the Felicia Fund. Other grants are being pursued. $60,000 has been identified by our Treasurer from Endowment Fund earnings for these projects.

We have all been touched in life-affirming ways in our sanctuary. And we each have a stake in ensuring that our sanctuary is repaired and made strong for the future. We ask you to prayerfully consider the value of our church sanctuary in your life and in the life of the Bristol community and to make a pledge toward the 2021 Capital Campaign. We are grateful for all you have contributed to the church over the years and will be grateful for a donation of any size to help meet our current capital needs.

Congratulations to our FCC Bristol high school graduates!

June 13, 2021 was “Graduation Sunday” at FCC Bristol. The in-person congregation and live-stream viewers celebrated this milestone in the lives of our five high school graduates: Ella Drawbridge, Zoe Fournier-Swire, Mikey McGowan-Roach, Alyssa Wheeler, and Erica Wheeler.

Rev. Deborah invited those present to step up to the chancel to receive the congratulations of the congregation along with gifts of shawls that had been hand-knitted and blessed by the members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry. Present to receive their good wishes and shawls were Zoe Fournier-Swire and Mikey McGowan-Roach. Jen Johnson, Adria Sartrys and Ruth Fisher presented the gifts from the Prayer Shawl Ministry.

Erika Wheeler was the valedictorian of the Mt. Hope High School graduating class. Several of the other FCC Bristol graduating seniors were among the highest academic achievers in the class.

Congratulations to each of these young women as their achievements are recognized and they move on to the new challenges and rewards in their lives.


After after 15 months and much work by the Reopening Committee to keep everyone safe, FCC Bristol’s doors opened up on Sunday June 6th and we were able to come back together in person. It was a joy to just be able hear the liturgist read the scripture lesson, to listen to the minister’s sermon, and to hear friends voices and catch up on the news – in person, even if we were all still wearing masks and social distancing, in an effort to safeguard any who may not have yet been able to be vaccinated or who were concerned about COVID-19 variants.

It brought back to mind the old children’s rhyme:

Here is the church.

Here is the steeple.

Open the doors

And see all the people.

Live-stream services, available through the website home page, will continue to be offered every Sunday to anyone who wishes to join the service from home.

All Church Game Event Filled With Fun!

High Street passersby at FCC Bristol on the afternoon of Saturday, June 5th saw children of all ages racing around the front lawn, passing through the obstacle course (including a challenging water barrier!) laid out by Susan Brosnihan, chalking up the sidewalks with artwork (I’m looking at you, Natty), practicing their baseball swing, tossing bean bags to win corn hole points, and other outdoor games. The tantalizing smell of grilling hot dogs and other yummy refreshments drifted across the lawn. The laughter and screeches of children and adults filled the air. It was an exciting start to summer on a lovely, sunny day.

Reopening for In-person Worship — JUNE 6th

After almost fifteen months of forced separation, we are happy to announce the resumption of in-person worship. After considerable thought and planning, the “Regathering Subcommittee” has set the target date of Sunday, June 6 to resume worship in person.

 Of course, the safety of our church family is our primary concern and safety protocols in effect at that time will be observed. This is how the Committee envisions regathering:

  • Services will be held outdoors as the weather permits. In case of inclement weather, we will gather in the DeWolf Chapel.
  • Attendees will be required to wear a mask and socially distance.
  • Attendees will be allowed to sing while wearing masks.
  • As has been the practice in the past the choir will not sing during the summer months.
  • As a courtesy to those who cannot attend, the services will be live-streamed.

We are looking forward to worshiping with our church family in person once again. We will share more details as the regathering date approaches.
Regathering Committee: Reverend Deborah, Glenn Donovan, Grace Steere, Bob Evans